Python with Mulesoft Component Reference

In spite of the rich selection of elements available in Mule, you may find yourself in need to put together some custom code to carry out part of a complex task

In spite of the rich selection of elements available in Mule, you may find yourself in need to put together some custom code to carry out part of a complex task, if you’re comfortable coding in Ruby, then the Ruby Component is the ideal versatile tool to fall back on for these cases. For more additional info Mule Training

Mule also includes also equivalent scripting components for other languages.

The Ruby Component is also handy for when you’re modernizing legacy systems, as you can simply throw the old lines of code into a component instead of having to reengineer the code’s behavior through a series of different Mule components (this is not ideal from a debugging and maintenance perspective, though).

The Python script is generally executed at runtime (client-side request) and the custom logic embedded in the script could trigger an application to execute a database transaction, or modify your web-page interface.

Python also allows the developer to configure interceptors and alter the values or references of particular properties in a script. Learn practical skills from Mulesoft Training

Interceptors are configured to provide additional services to a message as it flows through a component.

For example, a developer can configure an interceptor to execute scheduling or logging of a particular event while a message is being processed.

The Python component also includes a custom interceptor which allows you to configure settings for Spring elements.

Use the Advanced tab to access Script Properties, then define the value and reference for a particular property in the script.

When using Python, typing-in or appending a script to the component is the only configuration required.

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Interceptors alter the values or references of particular properties in a script. They are configured to provide additional services to a message as it flows through a component.

For example, you can configure an interceptor to execute scheduling or logging of a particular event while a message is being processed. The Script component also includes a custom interceptor which allows you to configure settings for Spring elements.

For example, you can add an interceptor that logs transactions and the time for each transaction. Use the Add Custom Interceptor to create a custom interceptor that can reference Spring objects.

The Interceptor Stack enables you to bundle multiple interceptors. Use the Interceptor Stack to apply multiple interceptors on a Python component. The interceptors are applied in the order defined in the stack.

Script Properties

Configure these parameters to define the attribute keys and their associated values. This enables the script component to quickly look up a value associated with a key.

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