2.3.2023 16:40

How to go to Venezia from Treviso and where to stop

When you travel to Venezia check also Treviso

Treviso is a city in Veneto in Italy. After a short drive from the smaller village of Rovare where we were staying, we finally arrived in Treviso. In Rovare, we were staying in a very old house that had two bedrooms, two bathrooms and of course a kitchen. It was part of a very nice old Venetian-style villa sitting in the private park. It felt like time stopped there for a while. The village itself is very small with one church, one bakery shop and one winery shop.

We went to the winery Adriana Zamboni to taste some wines. In that shop, they also sell some sausages so I tasted them and they were fantastic. I bought some Prosecco because this area is very famous for Prosecco wines.

Moving on from this very cute place to something interesting was that it had books everywhere around. Literally everywhere. On the chair, shelf, dining table, and even at the bathroom floor! The first day we didn’t do much, so we could go and read some of them in this cute Treviso apartment.

From there going to the centre of Treviso it was a long walk, but the weather was nice and it wasn’t as cold as I would expect for October! I discovered a lot of strange people sitting on the grass doing nothing near the bus station so we kept some distance to not get in trouble. Yeah, let's not talk about that though. Walking ahead I arrived at the centrum with lots of shops, restaurants, etc. As we continued walking we arrived to Fontana di Tette. The fountain is located in the south of Plaza de España and it used to flow wine from its nipples.

The other day was our last day in Treviso so we decided to join a local restaurant recommended by a friend. The restaurants in Italy close around 2pm so we had to hurry. The restaurant Butterfly was full when we arrived but we were lucky to get the table as the server remember my father who used to go there another time, I assume.

Our first dish was a plate with little marinated octopuses, seafood salad and a tasty St. Jacob mussel. Secondly, we got a lot of cooked mussels in a pot with a delicious white wine sauce and bread as a side. Our third meal arrived, a huge portion of spaghetti with seafood and fourthly we got a huge portion of fried seafood called fritto. As a dessert, we got Tiramisu, very delicious! Restaurant Butterfly is a very good place for food lovers.

Visit Venezia is a must so we took a train to get to the Venetian centre and it was easier and much cheaper than searching for parking in the airport and booking a private boat. The train was clean and brought us fast to Venezia. When you walk from the train station to Venezia, you can stop in many great shops to buy some local products and sit down if you get tired and enjoy Aperol in this beautiful location.

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