24. 12. 2019 8:02

Introduction to the Properties in Pega?

Introduction to the Properties in Pega?

A property in Pega specifies the pattern and visual displays, of data in our applications. Every property can be related to value and has a type, and mode.

The property mode like Page List or Single Value specifies the arrangement, that is implemented to save the property value. The property type like Date or Text specifies, the pattern and acceptable characters in the property value.

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Properties of Property in Pega:

Property is a kind of protocol, an example of the Rule-Obj-Property rule kind.

Properties in Pega are specified in Work class ranking, to store data.

For cases in the database, a property matches to a database column.

The word property also used to the labels for values, that are in most clipboard pages.

Pega 7 Property has one of eleven modes, organized in three sets. The General and Behavior tab designs change, based on the mode and the type of table field selected.

With the help of the ‘Property Mode’ option, we can select the mode. The Pega property mode finds how the system indicates, the property data. Among eleven modes, three are page based modes, three are string-based and the other five are modes executed with Java objects.

The presentation of the ‘General’ and ‘Behavior’ tabs rely on the mode selected.

Below the different modes of the property.

Single Value – Choose this, to make a Pega 7 property that has one text string value.

Value List – To make the Pega property that can hold an organized list, of single values.

Value Group – To make the Pega 7 property that can hold an unorganized set, of single values.

Page – To design a property that can hold an enclosed page as its value.

Page List – To design a property that can hold an organized list, of enclosed pages.

Page Group – To design a property that can hold an unorganized set, of enclosed pages.

Java Object – Choose this, to represent that it has a connection to an instance of a Java Object on the clipboard.

Java Object List – Represents that it can hold an array of connections, to instances of Java Objects.

Java Object Group – Represents that it can hold an unorganized set, of connections to instances of Java Objects.

Java Property – Choose this, to represent that it indicates, one property of a Java Class that specifies an external Java Object.

Java Property List- Choose this, to represent that it indicates an array property of a java class, that specifies an external java object.

Choosing Property Type:

The property type discovers the type of data that property values indicate, and can change the pattern and acceptable characters in the value.

Be careful while selecting the property type. Once we save a property, we cannot change its type except for a few special cases. Below the

Text – If we want the property to have text strings that can hold line feeds, carriage returns, and tabs, then choose text.

Identifier – If we want the property to have a text string which doesn't carry tab, double quote, carriage return or line break characters. Then choose an Identifier.

Password – To make the property to have a password, choose a password.

Integer – To make the property to have an integer, then choose Integer.

Double – To make the property to have a 64 – bit floating point value, choose Double.

Decimal – To make the Pega 7 property to have a decimal number, choose Decimal.

DateTime – Choose DateTime to make the property to have a Coordinated Universal Time value. Actually, the value is similar to Greenwich Mean Time, which is utilized for the synchronization of computers on the web.

Date – Choose the Date to make the property to have a calendar date. The data is saved as an eight-digit text value, in the YYYYMMDD pattern.

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For instance, 20191223 indicates December 23, 2019. It is not necessary for users to enter Date values in this pattern, as different easy options patterns are available.

TimeOfDay – Use this, if you want to make the property to have a time of the day up to seconds, not related to a time zone.

Inside, the TimeOfDay value is saved as six digits in HHMMSS format, In which every two digits are for the hour, minutes and seconds respectively.

TrueFalse – Choose this, to make the property to have values indicating false or true.

TextEncrypted – Choose text encrypted type, if we want to hide the value.

In this article, I have shared the property modes and Property types in Pega. Follow my articles, to get updates on Page modes in Pega 7.

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