What is Azure Front Door?

Azure front door Service, initiate you to create, handle and monitor, global routing for your web traffic

What is Azure Front Door?

Azure front door Service, initiate you to create, handle and monitor, global routing for your web traffic. By optimizing best performance and global fail over for high availability.

With the front door, you can change your global user and enterprise applications into Robust, high-performance modern applications, API, and content. That reaches a global audience with azure.

Front Door Works, at layer 7 and Https layer that uses anycast Protocol with split TCP and Microsoft.

Azure Front Door is a scalable, secure Entry Point for Immediate Delivery of your Global Applications. Per Your Routing method, selection in configuration, you can ensure, that the front door is Routing, your client requests to fastest and available application backend.

An Application backend is any Internet, service hosted inside or outside of azure. Front Door offers sequence requirements and automatic failover samples.

Which are similar to traffic manager, front Door is Resilient to fails that include failure of complete azure Region. azure online training covers all the concepts on azure technology


SSL offload and Application, acceleration at the edge close to final Users.

Central Control plane for complete Traffic orchestration.

Web application Firewall and DDOS Protection.

Actionable Insights, about your back ends and users.

Global HTTP Load balancing, with frequent Failover.

Globally Distributed Micro-service Applications

Easily Join, your distributed Microservice designs, into a single Global application. By using HTTP Load, balancing and path depended on routing Rules.

Automate Turning, up in new Regions and scale-out With API driven Global Actions, and Independent Fault – tolerance, to your back end Microservices in Azure or anywhere else.

Dynamic Applications with complete Global reach

Delivering and protecting Your Global Application, which is close to your final users with a “battle-tested” Option.

To build on world-class Microsoft Global Network Design. Every time you keep your Traffic on the best path of your application. Improve your service scale, decrease latency, and Increase throughput for global users.

That is with Edge Load Balancing and Application acceleration.

Real-time Performance and Availability

Flexibly map your clients, to a closest available backend, with instant Failover. For modifications in availability or on path performance from your clients to your Backend.

It supports for Different Load Balancing algorithms for management. Your back end load that includes round-robin weighted round-robin, active/standby configurations, and cookie-based session affinity.

Measure your Global Application

Offload SSL and Domain Management at Edge, when accelerating dynamic content for improving agility and measuring your application and Performance of your users.

Protect Your Application from Attacks

Stop Network and application, layer attacks at the edge by DDOS protection and Web Application Firewall. Harden your Service, by using Microsoft Managed Rule type sets and Author your own rules for user protection of your application.

Centralized Traffic Orchestration View

Simply Managing Domain Mapping and Traffic to your Microservice back ends. By using one central, global dashboard.

Actionable Insights about Your Users

Get complete Insights, where your users from and quality of user experience and selected optimal Regions for your Azure back end-users.


Azure front door, offer one secure global entry point for web applications, APIs, content and total cloud services. That is with a single pane of glass and global design.

Azure Front Door Initiates, you to design secure high Performant and highly available web applications. With global load balancing, with speed failover. Application acceleration and web application Firewall. To learn more through azure training

Azure Front Door, billing is based on the following pricing Lengths.

1) Routing Rules, every Route is the best and Distinct Combination of Https protocol, front-end domains, and path directions.

2) Inbound data Transfers.

3) Outbound Data Transfers.

SLA and Support

We offer technical support for every Azure Services released to general offer, that includes Azure Front Door, through Azure Support. Starting at a price of $29.

Billing and Subscription Management Support is offered at no price.

We guarantee, you that at least 99.99%, of time azure front Door, will Respond to client Requests, that requested content. Without any Error.

We Review and accept Data, from many commercially, reasonable and Independent measurement Systems. That you Select for monitoring your content. You must select certain agents, from measurement systems, list of standard agents. That generally available and Show at least five geographically diverse locations in main worldwide metropolitan areas.

These are the best, known facts about the Azure front Door. to prepare on azure get Microsoft azure certification

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